As Kato’s crew jury rigged their starboard shroud which broke during last week’s race, they could be heard planning an impromptu bachelor party after the race for fellow crewman Aaron Martin who is getting married on Saturday 7/18/20 to Emily who crews on Double Espresso. But Kato had even more planned for him than just margaritas. The 5th race of the Rum Series was held on 7/16/20 using the 3 lap course D-C-E which had the first leg heading to the Kalapaki Buoy. In the more Easterly lighter air the boats had their large #1 headsails up. It looked like the middle of the line was favored and Kato jumped off to an early lead which they kept throughout the race. Fast Company, Double Espresso, and Speedy were close by with Ozone who started at the pin end following behind them.
On the upwind leg from the G-11 buoy near the Coast Guard station to the mole, it looked like Ozone on starboard had Fast Company pinned to leeward without enough room to tack. However when Fast Company reached the mole they called for room to tack at an obstruction taking away Ozone’s advantage and moving into the lead again. On the upwind leg out to the Ninini lighthouse buoy it paid off to tack back into the beach, and most boats did this. Kato and Ozone did this early and when Fast Company came back on starboard Ozone had to closely duck their stern. Ozone’s skipper should have tacked back one more time towards the beach to cover and by not doing so Kato and then Fast Company rounded the buoy significantly ahead. Bonjolea II, Double Espresso and Speedy rounded not too far behind.
Papa Au with new foredeck crew in training and Iwa rounded out the fleet. On the downwind leg to the Kalapaki buoy it looked like Ozone was gaining and might catch Fast Company. But Ozone’s skipper parked the boat in a hole with no wind at the Kukui lighthouse bluff and Ozone’s crew moaned as Kato and Fast Company roared off into the distance. The other boats saw Ozone and stayed further off the bluff in better wind. Bonjolea II passed Ozone like they were standing still. Double Espresso and Speedy caught up as well. Papa Au seemed to gain even more and they were on Speedy’s heels.
At the finish line it was Kato in first place all the way with the crew giving the win to Aaron as a nice early wedding present. Fast Company took second and Ozone third. Only a minute behind Ozone was Double Espresso with the future bride Emily. In the Club class it was Speedy in first, Papa Au in second and Bonjolea II in third. The 6th race of the Rum Series will be held on Thursday 7/23/20 with a 5 pm start. The public is invited to watch the races and to socialize with the race committee and the beloved Garden Island photographer Dennis Fujimoto at the Nawiliwili mole parking area.
Click here for complete results on the racing page and more photos by Pam.
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